About Hugo

HUGO CODARO・ヒューゴ コダーロ
約10年間フリーインストラクターの活動を終えて1994年からパークハイアット東京にてフィットネス・スーパーバイザーを12 年務める。
2001年にピラティスに出会い、2004 年に米ロスにてピラティスインストラクターの資格を取得以来ピラティスの指導を情熱に続けている。2005年よりピークピラティスのマスタートレーナーとして活動し国内・国外でもピラティス国際資格の養成ココースを担当。
Peak Pilates® - Level III マスター インストラクター
Peak Pilates® - Mve Chair & Reformerマスター インストラクター
Sveltus社 - Elastiband マスタートレーナー
SANTEPLUS社 - Flexcushion® マスター トレーナー
Qualifications and professional experience
Hugo Codaro is a Peak Pilates® Full certified instructor and Level III Master Instructor with more than 30 years experience in the Health and Fitness industry not only in Japan but also in Asia, Europe and South America.
Over 10 years of managerial experience in the fitness and spa areas of luxury hotels; supervising, training and recruiting personnel as well as organizing fitness and social events for guests and Club members.
Argentinean born, Italian descendent with living experiences in Latin America, Europe and Japan. Fluent in Spanish, English and Japanese.
Peak Pilates® - Level III Certified Master Instructor (2005 to date)
As a certified Master Instructor, I am responsible for the conduction of Peak Pilates Instructor courses in the Asia Region (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia) and also South America (Colombia, Brazil).
My role includes delivery of the courses, assessment and certification of the course participants.
The courses explore all the classic Pilates equipments:
Reformer, Cadillac, Chairs, Barrels, etc.
HUGO PILATES – Founder/Director (2009 to date)
As the result of my professional experience dealing with many individuals and their posture and body limitations,
I created the Own-your-body concept, aiming to stimulate the creation of a strong link between mind and body.
In order to disseminate this concept, I coordinate a study group with other professionals of the fitness and health industry to :
• create tailor made programs to be used in fitness Clubs in Japan
• recruit and train instructors for these programs
• design and create tools and equipment to be used on the programs
Park Hyatt Tokyo – CLUB on the PARK Spa and Fitness Center (1994 to 2007)
CLUB on The PARK Spa and Fitness Center Supervisor
Prior Park Hyatt Tokyo opening in 1994, I went through the Hyatt University Training Program where we were introduced not only to the Hotel Philosophy and Culture but also to general policies and procedures of the Hotel operations.
Modules included theory and practices on a variety of topics such as :
• Introduction to Hyatt Culture
• Exceeding Guest Expectations
• Complaints Handling
• Train the Trainer tools and techniques
As the CLUB on The PARK Supervisor, I recruited, trained and managed the development and working schedule of
25 staff members allocated to Spa facilities, swimming pool, gymnasium and aerobics studio and Personal fitness training sessions that included individual and group classes for guests and members.
Besides the Hotel Guests, CLUB on the PARK had 850 members, all Tokyo residents.
As part of the Membership program offering, I was also responsible for the management and coordination of motivational fitness and social events.
Hyatt Regency Fukuoka, Japan, -- Club Olympus (1997)
I was part of the Pre-opening Support Team for the Club Olympus (Fitness and Spa) facilities of the Hyatt Regency Fukuoka Hotel, recruiting, training and bringing the experience of our Tokyo operation to the permanent staff.
Other Professional Activities
KPMA International Conference – Presenter (2013)
KPMA (Korean Pilates Method Academy) is one the most important Pilates associations in Korea.
The Conference was also sponsored by the Busan National University of Education. The Theme of the Conference was “Scientific Method of Body Work”. I presented a 3-hour lecture exploring the “Pilates Movement patterns” and 4-hour workshops applying the concepts using different props.
Japan Fitness Association (JAFA) – Presenter (2009 to date)
JAFA is the most relevant non-for-profit Association dedicated to Training, Certification and Continuous Development of Fitness Professionals in Japan.
As a Presenter, I am appointed by JAFA to deliver workshops and seminars across Japan for instructors and fitness professionals, exploring actualization courses in different training methods and trends in the Fitness and Pilates fields.
• JAFA Tokyo Forum 2009 - “Basic Mat Pilates” - May 2009, Tokyo
• JAFA Fukuoka Forum 2009 - “Mat Class with Magic Circle” – December 2009, Fukuoka
• JAFA Conditioning Forum 2010 – “Mat Class with Dynaband” – August 2010, Tokyo
Japan “Primary Walking” Association - Director (2010 to date)
Project aimed to educate the Japanese population as a whole about the benefits of an adequate posture and correct walking manners.
Design and development of specific exercises.
Development and implementation of workshops and trainer’s courses.
Flexcushion® - Japan Master Trainer (2009 to date)
Derived from the Japanese Martial Arts Sumo´s Matawari stretch, the Flexcushion® facilitates and induces to more efficient stretching exercises ( for athletes and non athletes ) preventing back injuries.
As a Certified Flexcushion® Japan Master Trainer, I conduct workshops and instructor courses to demonstrate the adequate use of the product in Pilates classes.
Fitness Trainer and Advisor (1983 to date)
Delivery of Private, semi-private and group classes -- Aerobics dance, Pilates, Weight training, Stretching, Water Aerobics, Walking, etc.
Coach and Fitness Clubs management.
Experience in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Colombia, Brazil, Greece, Italy, France, Spain.
Some of the institutions where I worked along these years are:
• Pilates Heim, Seoul, South Korea 2015 to date
• Anne Pilates, Suwon, South Korea 2014-2016
• PILATES in MOTION, Jakarta, Indonesia 2013
• BodyTech Coorporation, Bogota, Colombia 2012
• Plie Studio, Caxias do Sul, Brazil 2012
• Holistic Studio Effie, Tokyo, Japan – Director 2004-2011
• EMBODY Studio, Discovery Bay, Hong Kong 2009-2010
• PK Pilates, Seoul, Korea 2009-2010
• Classic Pilates Inc., Seoul, Korea 2008-2009
• Aoyama Club, Tokyo, Japan 1995-1997
• Central Sports, Yoga, Tokyo, Japan 1994-1996
• Gimnase Club, Paris, France 1992-1993
• Holiday Gym Palestra, Madrid, Spain 1992-1993
• X1 Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan 1987-1994
• Leyton Sports Club, Tokyo, Japan – Chief Instructor 1987-1992
• Dance Flash Studio, Athens, Greece 1985-1986
• Aerobic Center, Milan , Italy 1985-1986
• The Sports Connection , Tokyo, Japan 1983-1985
Health & Fitness Japan Trade Show 2004 to date
The most important H & F Industry Trade Show in Japan
Presenter/demonstrator of Life Fitness Japan co. products
LuluLemon Athletica – Pilates Japan Ambassador 2008
Famous Canadian Brand for Yoga and Pilates Clothing
Houdini Sports Clothing – Japan Ambassador 2009 to 2012
Famous Sportswear Brand from Sweden